lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Fanfics del Grupo de Elma-chan

Estos son algunos oneshots que algunos autores escribieron, están en inglés, mind you! Algún día los traduciré... wishful thinking u__u/ estos son los ONESHOTS
These are fanfics which are in English. Although many of then are not complete, they are really excelent! These are ONESHOTS

Titulo: In the Dark

Autor: Elma-chan
Capítulos: 1
Estado: Completo/complete 

Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Zenki y Chiaki se encuentran atrapados en un derrumbe ¿qué hacer?

              *What if they were trapped? What if only one had the chance to escape? What words would pass between them, alone, in the dark?

Titulo: Shopping List
Autor: Elma-chan
Capitilos: 1
Estado: Completo/complete 

Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: ¿Qué sucede cuando Zenki y Chiaki no se ponen de acuerdo en la comida que hay que tener en casa? Pues, Chiaki termina llendo al mercado con un pequeño demonio guardián a la zaga.

              *The grocery store becomes the front line for a battle of wits as Zenki and Chiaki struggle to understand each other's  purchases.

Titulo: The Golden Apple
Capitilos: 1
Estado: Completo/complete

Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Un Relato metafórico de la relación de Zenki y Chiaki, que tiene como centro una fruta.

               *A metaphorical tale of the relationship between Zenki and Chiaki, revolving around a piece of fruit.

Titulo: Silent Goodbye
Capitilos: 1
Estado: Completo/complete
Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Zenki sabe que ya no le queda tiempo, ¿cómo le dirá a Chiaki "adios"?
               *When Zenki knows he is out of time, how will he say "goodbye" to Chiaki?

Titulo: Zenki Poem

Autor: DugFinn
Estado: Completo /complete

Capitulos: 1
Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Poema de Zenki, sus sentimientos encontrados hacia Chiaki

                *Quoth DugFinn: "It was originally me just humming the 'Iris' song by the Goo Goo Dolls a few years ago. Suddenly, I became inspired into writing a poem, but somehow it mutated over the years into a strange, dream-like version of an AU ZENKI poem..."

Titulo: Zenkirella
Autor: Taisa
Estado: Completo /complete
Capitulos: 1
Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Zenkirella pasa sus días siendo esclavizado por sus Amos del Mal. Secretamente, el sueña con ir al baile del Shikigami y convertirse en sirviente de la proncesa Chiaki

              *Zenkirella spends his days being ordered around by his Stepmasters of Evil. Secretly, though, he dreams of going to the Shikigami Ball and becoming the servant of Princess Chiaki.

Titulo: A Typical Morning in the Enno Shrine
Autor: Elma-chan
Estado: Completo/complete

capitulos: 1
Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Zenki le quita el uniforme a Chiaki y se ve envuelto en una hilarante persecución con efectos de sonido incluidos.

               *Zenki snatches Chiaki's uniform and catches hell for it in this hilarious "dialogue & sound effects only" fic.

Titulo: Kurenai No Namida
Autor: Elma-chan
Estado: Completo/complete 

capitulos: 1
Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Zenki y Chiaki obserban las estrellas desde el techo del templo, contemplando el tiempo que han estado juntos y preguntandose que es lo que son ahora.

              *When words are no longer exchanged between Zenki and Chiaki, is it because they've drifted too far apart? Or have they come that close together? A wish on a falling star could determine the answer.

Titulo: Voicemail
Autor: Elma-chan &  Taisa
Estado: Completo/complete

Capitulos: 1
Rate: +13
Sinopsis: Muy gracioso monólogo que encuentra Chiaki en su celular después de dos semanas de estar desaparecida.

               *Master, please, I promise if you call I’ll listen to everything you have to say, and I’ll strike up a good peace treaty for you, okay? And I swear, you’ll get the better end of the deal this time! Call back…? Come home…? Anything??? Please!"

Titulo: Zenki's Insights
Autor: Elma-chanEstado: Completo/complete
Capitulos: 1
Rate: ATP
Sinopsis: Consejos de Zenki de como llevar una vida de Shikigami

               *Twenty-three helpful and inspiring insights, directly from the demon lord!

Download link for all the fics:

Wonderful authors, if you ever have a problem about me posting your works here, do not hesitate to mail me, please.

Estos son los fics más largos!
These are longer fics, although they're incomplete in their majority.

Titulo: Blue Christmas
Estado: incompleto/incomplete
Capitulos: 01-06
Rate: Mature
Sinopsis: Zenki's feeling the need to [...] !!! How will Chiaki react when she discovers that not even the mightiest of demon lords, Zenki, is exempt from... that one little detail that's delicately and briefly covered in the ancient records?

Titulo: Blue Christmas: Continuación
Autor: Crismary
Estado: completo/complete
Idioma: Español
Rate: Mature
Capítulos: 07-23 + segunda parte :

Download link:

Titulo: A Midsummer Night Fairytale
Estado: incompleto/incomplete
Capitulos: 01-05
Rate: +13
Sinopsis: This is not your typical fairy tale. The Princess Fair is candid and forward, Prince Charming is a braggart from the Land of the Horned and the Fanged, and the only reason he'd rescue her from distress is to get his revenge on her later. Concealed identities (mis)lead these runaway royals on an adventure that will unwittingly bring them both closer to the arranged marriage they were attempting to escape.

Titulo: An Unforgotten Deed
Estado: incompleto/incomplete
Capitulos: 01-20
Rate: +16
Sinopsis: Zenki might have died if Chiaki had not risked her own life to restore his. The only catch is that, when sealed, he now must live as the thing he has always despised most — a human. The onslaught of human emotions on a demon makes Zenki realize how deeply he loves Chiaki, but lack of experience with such fragile things prompts him to run from it. But not before he unknowingly repays Chiaki: a life for a life.

Titulo: Behind Zenki's Legend
Autor: Carolina Ragazzón
Estado: incompleto/incomplete
Capitulos: 01-07
Rate: +13
Sinopsis: Taking place after the official end of the Zenki anime series, this fic explores unexplained pasts and uncertain futures. Zenki has used the power of Ludola without permission. Now the time has come for him to defend his actions and himself before the Divine Jury.

Titulo: Forbidden
Autor: ???
Estado: completo/complete
Capitulos: 01-03
Rate: +16

Titulo: May Dreams Come True
Estado: Incompleto/Incomplete
Capitulos: 01-09
Rate: +13
Sinopsis: Queen of Illusions Natrishiko wants Zenki dead, and she's developed the perfect plan: if Chiaki is killed, Zenki cannot transform. There's that pesky problem of the Bracelet of Protection, though, which can summon Zenki from anywhere. But can it summon him TO anywhere? There are some places not even a demon lord can enter—the sanctity of dreams.

Titulo: When It Snows
Estado: Incompleto/Incomplete
Capitulos: 01-05
Rate: +13
Sinopsis: The snow brings back fond childhood memories for Chiaki. ... If only Zenki could be so lucky. In the winter of 800 years past, the demon Zenki was captured. The Kuzen household took charge of him, intending to make a profit off the thing which had just one thought: "kill." He was locked away and tended by the unloved bastard child of the Kuzen, a girl younger than Chiaki. She had the power to place new thoughts in his mind... And oh, how she loved the snow.

Download Link for all the fics:

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola... Sé que esta página tiene años sin actualizar, pero en verdad me encantan los fics que tienes y quisiera saber si la autora ya nunca los terminó o si hay alguna manera de contactarla para ver si existe la posibilidad de que los continúe. Saludos

    1. Hola, estoy muy de acuerdo contigo, pero parece que no nos van a responder. Quieres pertenecer a un grupo de fans para rendir homenaje al autor y unirnos para encontrar a la misteriosa Elma-chan?

  2. Hola, debo agradecer por estos maravillosos fanfic, me han encantado...
    Pero tengo un problema...
    Ok, disculpen, me he pasado un poco pero por favor, una pista al menos, donde los encuentro, donde contacto a la autora ME VA A EXPLOTAR LA CABEZA!!!!
    Ok, gracias.
